PHP Scripts - PHP Translate - CodeCanyon
PHP Translate his title this type of PHPScripts/Miscellaneous This time I will review,made by MyNameIsMatthew, PHPScripts/Miscellaneous is sold at a price of $9 in CodeCanyon.dynamic // php language // php translate // php translator // translate // translate api // translation // translation api // translator // translator api //
Created | 10 February 13 |
Last Update | 11 February 13 |
Software Version | PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0 - 5.2, PHP 5.3 |
Files Included | PHP |
Updated to 2.0 version
- Second connection method added (if curl library is not installed, script requesting Google server using file_get_contents function).
- Improved performance.
PHP Translate is a very simple but useful class for dynamic language translations.
Why PHP Translate?
60+ languages support
Lightweight and fast
This is easy in use
Intuitive translation method
Google Translate based solution
You can define default settings for translations (input encoding, output encoding, input language and output language).
You can define inpidual settings for each translation.
<?php include('lib/translator.class.php'); $translator = new Translator(); $translation = $translator -> Translate('Witaj ?wiecie', 'pl', 'en'); //this example displays 'Hello World' echo $translation; ?>
Supported languages
- Afrikaans (AF)
- Albanian (SQ)
- English (EN)
- Arabic (AR)
- Azerbaijani (AZ)
- Bengali (BN)
- Belarusian (BE)
- Bulgarian (BG)
- Croatian (HR)
- Czech (CS)
- Danish (DA)
- Esperanto (EO)
- Estonian (ET)
- Filipino (TL)
- Finnish (FI)
- French (FR)
- Galician (GL)
- Greek (EL)
- Georgian (KA)
- Gujarati (GU)
- Hebrew (IW)
- Hindi (HI)
- Spanish (ES)
- Dutch (NL)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Irish (GA)
- Iceland (IS)
- Japanese (JA)
- Yiddish (YI)
- Kannada (KN)
- Catalan (CA)
- Khmer (KM)
- Korean (KO)
- Haitan (HT)
- Lao (LO)
- Lithuanian (LT)
- Latin (LA)
- Latvian (LV)
- Macedonian (MK)
- Malay (MS)
- Maltese (MT)
- German (DE)
- Norwegian (NO)
- Armenian (HY)
- Persian (FA)
- Polish (PL)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Russian (RU)
- Romanian (RO)
- Serbian (SR)
- Slovak (SK)
- Slovenian (SL)
- Swahili (SW)
- Swedish (SV)
- Thai (TH)
- Tamil (TA)
- Telugu (TE)
- Turkish (TR)
- Ukrainian (UK)
- Urdu (UR)
- Welsh (CY)
- Hungarian (HU)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Italian (IT)
Files included
- Class file.
- Demo.
This is a scraping script. Your IP address will get banned if you ping Google translate more than an average user. This problem can be solved by proxy or/and simple cache solution what i can provide. If you plan to send to much translations requests, please contact with me.
Related produck This user:MyNameIsMatthew
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