Thursday, May 30, 2013

Web Bootstrap Startup

Mobile - Web Bootstrap Startup - CodeCanyon

Web Bootstrap Startup his title this type of Mobile/iOS/FullApplications This time I will review,made by Rappasoft, Mobile/iOS/FullApplications is sold at a price of $13 in CodeCanyon.
Web Bootstrap Startup - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
apple // bootstrap // codeigniter // database // full application // iphone // iphone server communication // responsive // web startup //
Created 24 February 13
Last Update 24 February 13
Files Included .h, .m, .xib/.nib
Mobile OS IOS 4.3, IOS 5.0, IOS 5.1, IOS 6.0

The Web Bootstrap Startup Project was created as an all in one solution for anyone with “the next big idea”. With a boilerplate user authentication system & backend profile, along with a compatible iPhone app built to iOS 6.1 standards, it is a rock solid starting place for any web application, or user driven service, with an equally awesome mobile presence.

It’s impossible these days to start you own web startup and not have a native iPhone application to go with it. Web Bootstrap Startup provides you with all the tools and code to become the next web entrepreneur!

Some of the main features include:

- Built on Codeigniter

 - Twitter Bootstrap Structure

 - Register/Login/Forgot Password

 - iPhone Application

 - Responsive Design

 - Backend user area

 - Frontend user profiles

 - Profile editing

 - Easy to install

 - Completely scalable to your needs!

The Native iPhone App provided with this project gives your website users the ability to have all of the functionality of the native website, in the handy pocket size on the go version. Features include: dashboard view, profile view, ability to edit and save profile. With all updates being reflected in real time from the website. Xcode project included.

The websites backend system includes, login, register, forgot password, dashboard view, ability to edit and save account information and profile information. Header and Footer navigation reflect the user is logged in by displaying a dashboard link. Which a small feature, it’s minute details like these that set your website apart from competitors by providing the a very friendly user experience.

If you website is a user driven/profile site, the ability for front end user profiles is supported, http://yoursite/user/username will provide a customizable profile view for non-logged in users, as well as be beneficial for search engine and SEO purposes. If your website is a service, providing a backend dashboard only, the front end user experience may be disabled for your website to act specifically as a web service.

With a backend built on Codeigniter’s proven MVC model, it won’t take much for even novice programmers to make this skeleton of a web service a full blown user driven content site.

While altering the structure may require a slight programming knowledge, installation to a working product is simple. Just upload the files, create a database, hook it all up and your done! To get the iPhone app working, just load the files into Xcode and change the URL for the website to yours and everything should just work! Refer to the extensive documentation for questions.

This package is also great for experienced programmers! Quit wasting your time building the same startup skeleton project after project. Start with a proven solution and save yourself time! If not, use the code and integrate it into an existing website for that security/user experience boost.

Web Bootstrap Startup is an all in one solution for anyone looking to start their own web service. Complete with a compatible iPhone app that your users log into, Web Bootstrap Startup alleviates all of the stresses of getting off the ground. Just install, tweak, and promote!

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